Ugh, frustration has set in. I wanted to use Googlesites but it is blocked by our filter. So, I tried Wikispaces and really liked the set up. I signed up and created a class discussion. But, when I tried to set up student email, I was notified that they would then have to create a separate log in. I didn’t want that to happen. I have used wikis before in my class and am trying to avoid having students log in to multiple arenas. Reluctantly, I had to leave the wiki idea behind. I am back at Googlesites and will request the filter be removed for my students to access this site. It’s really not a big deal and I feel as if it will be worth it.
Judging from the other hubs I’ve researched this week I think Googlesites sounds pretty easy to use. I really want to use it becuase our district has Google email for all students and teachers so it is much more conducive to our system if I use Googlesites.
I checked out Tim Flanagan’s site via the ITDML email thread and his was helpful to look at. My favorite part of his site is the link to the blog. I am pushing blogging with my classes this year and want the easiest path for students to access it. The quicklinks is also helpful because I can utilize that area for links in connection with class material. I am cautious of the plain set up of the site. I am hoping I can make mine more interactive. That’s partly what I will spend the rest of my week looking for. Although, Ian said he still tweaks his sites so I am sure that is something that will come with time.
I checked out the templates Ian sent and I liked the Online Reading Comprehension site due to its tab set-up! I love tabs! The scream, “organization!” At least, to me they do. I’ll have to see how my students like them. I figure if I can set it up with tabs, it would be similar to my students’ binders, in theory! Some of them are disasters to look at!
Sorry about the back & forth on hubs. I got an email about student log in links for Wikispaces.